Friday, March 28, 2014

Spring Has Sprung!

Different crafts and arts by the sweetest creative preschoolers! Love themto pieces.

Flowers are made our of large paper plate. They picked their own color and painted. They traced and cut  the mid section  and added seeda on it. They painted the stem, leaves and ground. The clouds are made out with poster board, cottton balls and yarn. They did several cutting, glueing and stringing.

The umbrella and raindrops are made out of construction paper. They cut and painted it using water color.
This is favorite part... When I painted their foot... They even insisted to have both feet painted, but one is all we need. This is a tedious work, but they enjoyed doing it... U sed Velcro, and clothespin to hand the foot-bee on the beehive. I used this for good behavior reinforcement. Their bees stay in beehive if they ate in good behavior; if not, their bees will fly away :(
This giant flower and made out of petals that they cut and painted it using watercolor. The ladybugs ate made out of small paper plates, construction paper, brads,  wiggly eyes, and tempera paint.
They were asked to paint a sun; then, we cut it out.

Happy Spring ya'll!

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