Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Fall Fun Creations

Each child picked out a leaf and started cutting. Some needed help and direction... After they cut their leaves, They sponged paint it using their favorite color...
Use black paper as the background-border so that the fall color will show up good... 

Below are the scare crows that they painted using block paints. I cut around it. Some might can cut but need extr help...

Friday, August 2, 2013

Doughnuts with Dad...

End-of-the-Year Party

Center Time

Little Mermaids

They are so proud of high can they build!!!

They are working hard together...

4th of July celebration!

Missing the Bunch!

Isn't it amazing how fast the time flies? They were just little when they enter to the 3K class. As I remember, they held the crayon with their four fingers; they held the scissors with their two hands. But as the months go by, they developed their fine motor skills and just won't stop growing. There are too many sweet developmental stages that I've witnessed.  I'm so blessed to be a part of it and have a chance to be with them as they enter their milestones of learning. It breaks my heart to see them go. After looking at our old pictures, it made me tear up. I just realized, how I will miss them. This has been an amazing school year with the bunch of sweet, artistic, smart, inquisitive and funny kiddos. I'm so blessed to have amazing kids, co-teachers, and very supportive parents. I know they will do good to the four-year-old class!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

VBS 2013

This week is the most awaited week of our preschoolers - VBS! The children's ministry of Brookwood Baptist Church really worked hard to put the theme together for these little ones. This year's theme is about God's Promises. Our preschoolers, we'll be embarking the island of adventure of fun-filled lessons from songs, art, games, stories, and whole lot more! We are so pumped-up for God's glory!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Proud Artists

Before Mother's Day, we asked them to draw a picture of their moms. We suggested to use colors that represent his/her Mom (Mom's hair color, etc). Well, some of them chose colors that they like :) But it turned out great pictures for mommies! We are so proud of our young artists! Happy Mother's Day!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

It's Snowing!

A day before the snow will arrive, we informed the parents to dress their child appropriately because we will be outside. The following morning, our little ones were full of excitement, anxiousness, and questions of, "When will it snow?". Although it was seem so long, we managed to wait until we saw snowflakes coming down. When they saw the snow coming down, they rushed to the window and screamed for excitement! They then started putting their snow gears on, and anxiously waited for their teachers' command to go outside. Initially, we had announced to wait for few minutes before going outside, for the snow to stick, but it was hard to contain to see their eyes of anxiousness; after all, snow is here! So, we went outside and catch the snow with our tongues, and then they began to ask," can we make a snowman?". We then told them that they might when they get up from nap. The question is, "Will they nap?", knowing that it's snowing outside, or they are scared to nap because snow might vanish. Surprisingly, they went to sleep! They probably had the chance of making snowman when they got home since school was closing early.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Crafty Little Hands: Winter is Here!

Crafty Little Hands: Winter is Here!: Isn't it cute? All we did was to gather white tempera paint, and blue construction paper. Then I showed to them on to make circles at least...

Rainy Days...

When we can't go outside, we'll go wild and messy! 
They were playing pretend "snow" using shaving cream and food coloring (mixing colors, are fun)!

Learning upper and lower case letters, by matching the eggs...
Winter fishing, I guess... but with numbers, and matching colors...
I love our bunch!!!